Suspension of disbelief

Under what circumstances would a human being in full awareness of the reality of our illusionary world be willing to participate in societal dogma to keep his fellow mortals happy? This question has been oscillating at the back of my head with immaculate consistency, gathering mass and thus inertia as time passes. 

Willing "suspension of disbelief" seems necessary to prevent alienation from your loved ones. They aren't aware of the nothingness this existence has to offer, but choose to stay infallible, unaware of eventual mortality, acting in sync with the principles of "Natural selection" to keep the wheels of evolution rolling. They are performing as programmed, while I rebel against the natural human construct like an anomaly.

Can someone continue to lead two separate lives? One behaves with the reason of nothingness while the other happily follows the herd, driven by societal manifestation of life and being. The idea of deceit to one's own self can haunt us for eternity, while hurting fellow human beings in this mortal realm with the truth doesn't strike worthwhile either. This constant struggle to lead a life on the edge becomes unsustainable. Sooner than later, a path needs to be forged with hard choices. Human beings possess the capacity to be incredibly selfish or completely selfless, if they chose to. Which one will prevail? Only time will tell.

The idea of enlightening your fellow human beings can be attractive, but it comes at the cost of societal ostracization. Your intentions can be well meaning, but the decay in society that continues to deviate from its liberal values to a more populist, devoid of any nuance, way of life. A fascist propaganda led government trying to take the society back to the days of "Sati" has caused a certain older generation to turn into religious mercenaries. They suddenly want to take India into the dystopia of "Raja and Praja," suspending the constitution seems to be their life's mission. More often then not, our society views individuals solving a problem as a hero, but not the one's preventing them at the first place. This mindset categorizes anybody knowing and aware of the consequences of life in its present form- a societal anomaly, not fit to be part of community.

I am sure, humans have plucked the concept of God and religion to keep themselves occupied and hooked to a necessary distraction, providing them with faith to not look for reason and pursue reality. The idea of handing over an alternate reality to the masses so they don't rebel, seems to be working effectively for thousand of years now. It has assimilated into the veins of humans of all class, creed, religion and nationality. It has become their reason for existence, their driving force and their quest for justice. Poking this balloon and deflating it might result in panic causing serious problems. Either way the masses would be thrown into anarchy as faith causes self regulation. The understanding of anarchy and chaos as the real representation of truth might be scary for these fickle minds.

Some section of enlightened minds do propose the idea of "willing suspension of disbelief" to be the way forward. Their reason is more practical and comes from the limited available scope human beings have with respect to their life. They believe, since they are already forced into living a life, why not make the best of both worlds. While they are aware of the nothingness of life, they are willing to enjoy the temporary pleasures and pains associated with suspension of disbelief. This approach towards life can be practical but doesn't appeal to me. I can't get along the idea of continuously lying to myself and creating scenarios for others to suffer. However, I may consider it with minds who understand reality and are willing to suspend their disbelief temporarily for desired pleasure, so we can have the best of both worlds. Remember, these pleasures should be temporary and shouldn't lead to suffering for others.

Willing "suspension of disbelief" strikes me as a game of chess. The purpose of which is to temporarily take your mind off reality and focus it on a game with its own imaginary yet accepted rules. Nothing that happens in the game has anything to do with reality, yet it facilitates a temporary escape into an imaginary world. While the game is acceptable till both set of players are aware of its reality and are willing to accept it in its real form, any deviation into accepting the game as true reality would be unacceptable. Same applies to life. Life is what it is, a big hole of nothingness. Finding temporary pleasures as human beings is a form of alternative reality resembling a game.

When the society around us corrodes and liberal thought process gives way to populism, following a contradictory path to self realization can be scary. But there is no way around it. The path less traversed needs to be taken, for the truth needs to be sought. The more I get closer to reality, more I get disillusioned with the state of being. This vast nothingness screams louder every passing day. Our quest for a fulfilled life seems to be a programmed illusion. This illusion is so real that most of humanity if confronted with real truth; would like to suspend their disbelief and willingly stay in this delusion.

Religion, they say is important for morality and God according to them prevents society from falling into chaos. But isn't chaos the natural state of being of the universe? It's the only state that resembles the big bang. Everything else reflects manipulation. So, are we saying that god and religion has been created to manipulate human beings spiritually. Separate them into societies having their own gods and religions, enforcing coherence among groups of humans. To further consolidate these groups, friction is created among different religions. Thought of competing ways of life and religion forces the constituents of these groups to stay together and prevent rebellion.

The idea of class within religion is another structural strategy to keep the elites in-charge in a society. A homogeneous group of people constituting a religion might cause issues with hierarchical information and command flow. Dominant social classes within religion ensures the rest of the constituents rally behind them in times of inter-religious conflicts. These structural facilities put together by humans for thousands of years corrupts their minds and prevents them from thinking beyond this rule based society. Human beings have corrupted the natural selection process by inventing an institution called marriage facilitating genetic hoarding amongst other resources. A free flow of genetic exchange is at the base of natural selection. Capping that process is akin to going against the natural scheme of things.

The very definition of stupidity is knowing the truth and doing something exactly opposite. While I am open to being stupid, but unable to find a compelling reason to be drawn towards it. The idea of living the rest of my life occupied by occupations lacking meaning doesn't interest me. I would much rather use the remainder of my time in pursuit of finding and exploring myself, for what is the reason of existence, if not being yourself without any external influence. 


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