Why I don't celebrate my birthday and you shouldn't either?

Birthday as an event is highly overrated and people usually get overly enthusiastic about it. More than individuals, parents and other family members celebrate this day as an accomplishment, for they helped pull the dude into this universe, not realizing the dude competed with several million sperms to secure this feat.

I don't celebrate my birthday

Let's get some things clear. First of all, I am not anti-social, nor am I against anybody celebrating their birthday. I am just trying to clarify my perspective on this bizarre event. 

Being born and getting a ticket to lead a life in this rather dubious world isn't a glorifying achievement. If anything, this should be worrying people, while humanity tends to believe in fairy tales, science doesn't. According to science, humans have brought about their own peril and nothing seems to suggest of even a hint of course correction. This doesn't mean we are at the cusp of doomsday, but are slowly and steadily approaching it. While majority of the existing population can't see the inevitable and wants to live in a bubble, they are entitled to do so but at their own expense. I somehow do not see the point of celebration in an event that pretty much resembles getting multiple life sentences and been sent to a sophisticated prison, known as "Human Mortal Realm" i.e. The World. 

Why do I call the human world a sophisticated prison or an illusion at best? While, we may have been on an overdrive to change our world into a comfortable habitat, we unknowingly or knowingly have changed its composition to an extent where we have vitiated the basic life supporting necessities like the water we drink and the air we breathe. But, no need to fret, we have discovered ways and means to purify the water and air that we vitiated at the first place. So, we are sorted, right? I don't think so, the process of making your life comfortable came at a cost. A cost that you need to pay for the rest of your life, just to live. I call it "Subscription to Live." This subscription to live is handed over to a child when he or she is born. A tag with a barcode is activated, the second a human arrives in this mortal realm. This process is also known as "Getting on The Grid." This process basically starts with your birth certificate.

Nature created humans the same way it created any other species i.e. humans were supposed to live, may be reproduce and die. They were never meant to change the composition of their habitat, which they ended up doing. They somehow used their brain to get on top of the food chain and disturb the ecological balance. They conspired against nature, the same nature that facilitated their being at the first place, and drew a dagger at her. They created this complex network of life supporting subscription that runs on the rails of economy. The same "Subscription to Live" that we talked about moments ago. This subscription makes sure a human being isn't able to think or differentiate between a world that could have been and a world that is. They exhaust their last breath finding an answer to this existing complex structure of a never-ending vicious cycle to which they are a slave. 

Everything would have been worth it, if this vicious cycle would lead to humanity achieving inner happiness, but that is far from truth. Human beings end up struggling their way through life, hoping some day in future they would be happy, which never sees the light of the day. This phenomenon runs across the divide of material possessions and riches. A rich man will never be self-fulfilled same as a poor person who would never be happy with his state of being and would try really hard to notch up a point on the lifestyle scale. In fact, humanity has forgotten that material wealth is never going to find them inner peace. They still believe if they can just work a little harder, sacrifice a little more, give up their peace of mind and survive the pain - they can amass material wealth that in turn will give them inner peace and happiness. They are sacrificing their present for their future which is not there. They are walking on a road in a quest to reach their destination, not realizing the road doesn't lead anywhere. What they are longing for is nothing but a mirage.

We must all realize that we are just tourists in this mortal realm, who are here for a short duration and will eventually leave. For us to plan, organize, change, disrupt this tourist destination is uncalled for. We are not supposed to alter with nature's grand scheme of things. We have already done enough damage, if we cannot reverse the damage, we have caused we must not repeat the same mistakes again. The world that we live in is not ours for we are temporary here, our grand plan to leave a healthy and vibrant world for our next generation has serious holes in it. We are not leaving a world that will be easy going or welcoming for our offspring, they would be hard pressed to sacrifice and suffer for our sins. For our sins aren't only restricted to decimating nature and breathing poison but create and ignite conflicts within the mortal realm. 

Humanity is looking to tear each other apart, battle of ideologies, religion, caste, race, ethnicity. The complex system that humanity put together funded by the "Subscription to Live" for social order and preventing anarchy is collapsing. People are killing each other, the complex economic rail is unable to carry the weight of this complex society. Humans drew boundary lines on earth to divide countries, those divisions are growing deeper, countries are getting into geopolitical conflicts. For the political class people are nothing but ways to achieve their means. We have been reduced to herds of cattle and sheep who are only needed to fulfil their duties i.e. to subscribe to live and pay taxes while the political class brainwash us into carrying their short sighted, perverse idea of human development.

When you reach such understanding of where we stand as humanity and where we are headed in the future, the emotion of celebration only comes at a level of deep achievement towards decoupling yourself from this mad rush, which is easier said than done. Once you emerge from the smoke and stare at reality- taking birth, giving birth and celebrating birthdays doesn't appeal, it just seems so trivial.


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