What is the significance of US supreme court judgement against Donald Trump?

The supreme court of the United States in a historical decision ruled that Donald Trump cannot block access to his Financial records sought by New York prosecutor, this puts the United States president into the same bracket as a normal US citizen and he is not immune from the criminal justice system.

US supreme court judgement on Donald Trump financial details

The judge of the Supreme court "John Roberts" wrote for the 7-2 majority, "Article II and the supremacy clause do not categorically preclude, or require a heightened standard for, the instance of a state criminal subpoena to a sitting president."

This is a major win for the liberals and their quest for putting the US president into public scrutiny with regards to his financial malpractices. Donald Trump has earlier sought immunity from any proceedings or criminal investigations against him. The court overruled Donald Trump's plea 7-2, making a point that no citizen, not even the president of the United States is above the rule of law and the common duty to come up with their financial or any other record once sought by the prosecutor under criminal proceedings.

There was a genuine concern with some Justices regarding potential harassment of the president in case the president's office is not granted immunity from providing any details in criminal proceedings, but some were sceptical of the president enjoying complete immunity. Trump remains the only president to have not publicly released his tax returns or divest from major business interests while in office.

This judgement comes as a reassurance to the US citizen in the time when world over democratically and authoritarian leaders have been trying to undermine the rights of people and have assumed extraordinary powers. When world leaders are shrugging off responsibilities and are refusing to be answerable to the public of their mismanagement of public policies and pandemic. The judgement again reiterates America's position as the most dynamic democracy alive today by the virtue of its unquestionably ethical and moral values and independent institutions.

The current US president is an extremely polarizing figure in the United States. For some, Donald Trump has been the worst US president in history and for others he has brought the much-needed glory to the country and has finally shown the much-needed aggression to other countries including China. Trump has been in the cross-hairs of American institutions and have been strongly criticized for not showing the respect that democratic institutions need to be shown by a US president. Trump has been at loggerheads with social media platforms and with the national news media.

Whether this judgement brings more embarrassment for the US president before the crucial US presidential election remains to be seen. But it has certainly put a precedence for everybody in public office to follow. 

The US supreme court has once again reaffirmed people's faith in the democratic principles and the rule of law of America across the world. The law stands same for any citizen of the country whether it is somebody sleeping on the pavement or the president of the United States of America, there can be no bias. Donald Trump's plea for immunity against criminal prosecution and matters of disclosure in case public prosecutor calls for the same, has been rejected 7-2. Now, in case the New York prosecutor ask for, then Donald Trump will have to make available his financial and tax details.


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