Is Donald Trump the worst president in US history?

Among the many Presidents "United States" have witnessed in the oval office, it is not much of stretch to say Donald J Trump would stand out as one of the most polarized. He, like most strongmen leaders have plunged America into a political abyss, one from which there is no easy recovery anytime soon.

Donald Trump worst president USA

United States have been the world's super power for as long as we can remember. With this coveted position it has attracted much of the world attention since time immemorial. And when we talk about America, the first person that comes to mind by default is the US President. So we can conveniently draw a conclusion, that US Presidents and their actions are under critical observation, not only by the US media and american residents but also the world.

America throughout it's history has seen all kinds of Presidents, but not "Donald J. trump". This 45th US President is an epitome of "everything a US President should not be, rolled into one". Not only does he detest the status quo of a US President's office but in fact he is actively trying to steam roll it. He is a chapter in self-love and narcissism and even though his slogan remains "make America great again", it never appears to him that he is actually driving America to it's lowest point in history.

Even before the presidential election, nobody really thought he could make it. Remember the Donald Trump who used to turn up at world wrestling entertainment (WWE) shows, getting his ass kicked. If not, i am sure you would know Donald Trump from the reality TV show where he keeps firing everybody. Even his business empire is inherited and he has sunk it a few times flirting with debt and bankruptcy. After all these gaffes when he made it to the Presidential election with the Republicans backing him, came as a surprise to many, which turned into shock and awe once he won the Presidential election defeating Hillary Clinton, even after getting lesser number of votes.

He likes to call himself a deal maker, after he co-authored the book "The art of the Deal" with Tony Schwartz. But unfortunately all his deals come to a single monolith of money and revenue. He simply refuses to understand there is more to a nation than simply profit. That is one of the reasons the most successful business people never made the best leaders when it come to leading a country. To be a leader you need to have compassion for your citizen, it is not just a Price to Earning (P:E) ratio or Market capitalization graph on the stock market, which if not in green signifies doom.

In pursuing this strategy of profiteering for America, he has not only diminished it's stand as a center of influence but also marginalized it's citizenry. None of the allies who has sided with America overt these years feel sure about them anymore, more so when Donald Trump decided to hand every ally a "Bill" for X,Y and Z which he thought they should be paying. He drove Europe and Germany to the sidelines which has weakened NATO, he tried to hijack G7 by bringing in controversial partners which was opposed by other members. Not to mention the major Trade wars between US and China that soured G20. Japan is feeling isolated and India has officially decided to not get into any lobby whether US or China and stay neutral.

He is practically incapable of thinking ahead of his nose. His vision seems to stretch only as far as today and the most important and worrying part, he just flips back on his word like he it never happened while disrespecting media and calling them "Fake news factories". If there is a competition of Presidents who are crooks, he might actually get ahead of Richard Nixon, while giving Bush a run for his money while competing for incompetence.

They say a leader's real character comes out during the moment of crisis. So let's try to find out how Donald Trump fared when the world was looking up-to him for leadership. When he has a few months left in his first term in office and he seeks re-election for the second term, America is hit by a tsunami of crisis and bad news. And the truth remains, Donald Trump has dropped the ball as far as each one of them is concerned. 

Let's first talk about the Coronavirus pandemic that hit the whole world but seems to have found a special liking for America, specially the New York area. It's documented that authorities upraised Trump of this pandemic in the month of January, which he conveniently chose to brush aside while going on with his merry ways. Not only did he not act on that information and made necessary arrangements but also went ahead campaigning including his trip to India for a "Namaste Trump" event with the Indian Prime Minister. And when the pandemic hit the US, he was seen blaming everybody, from the governors to the Obama administration for not stockpiling on the medical supplies. Due to his mismanagement many US lives have been lost. Now, he has found a scapegoat for this and that is "China", now his whole re-election campaign is based on China bashing, which is further escalating tensions between both countries and is threatening to tear world peace apart.

The second being the forced death due to suffocation of "George Floyd" and it's aftermath. None of us can argue that the case wasn't horrific and the white policeman rightfully got the legal stick. But what unfolded on the streets of Minneapolis and other US cities after that could have been totally avoided. People at that moment of crisis needed a leader who could calm the nerves, talk to the citizens and promise to act. Rather, he chose to call them names, threatened to have them arrested and beat up and shot at by calling the national guard. Resulting in further aggravation of the situation, which now doesn't seem to be stopping. And while America remains on the edge he is pursuing optics for his re-election. by holding a "Bible" in front of the Church for photo opportunity.

Whatever might have been the reason for American voters to vote him to presidency, we all can just hope and pray that they do not repeat the same mistake twice and save America some embarrassment.

Donald Trump has never been the right candidate to run for Presidency but he did, and to everyone's surprise he got elected as well. We can safely say the this could happen only in America, where a person with such a checkered past, which was open to public all that time could be elected for president. After he got elected to White house, America has been going down hill as far as it's geopolitical strategy, public policy and internal handling of the country goes. He has technically dragged America from it's point of strengths to the weakest wicket America has ever played on. If anybody still had some doubts, whether he can perform or not can take their cue from the crisis of Coronavirus pandemic and the recent George Floyd protests. The person is simply incapable of governing. America would do well to not re-elect him in the following election and might return to it's path of sanity and hopefully glory.


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