What is 5G technology and why is it causing a Geopolitical nightmare?

Based on number , 5G is the fifth generation mobile communication technology much like 1G, 2G, 3G and so on. On an interactive level, 5G networks are the next generation of mobile internet connectivity, offering faster speeds and more reliable connections on communication devices.

5G network technology Huawei

Much like all new technologies, 5G is making a lot of hype. But is this hype justifiable? I mean we have all lived through all kinds of Gs such as 2G,3G and so on and have seen the transformation ourselves while moving from one generation to another of mobile network connectivity. Let's try and understand if 5G is going to bring some real revolution as far as connectivity and internet landscape is concerned or is it just a passing upgrade?

5G is the next generation of mobile network that will eventually replace, or at least augment 4G LTE connection. With 5G not only the upload and download speed significantly increase but the latency or the time taken for the devices to interact with each other within wireless connectivity, will also decrease drastically.

On an individual level 5G is touted to provide following:
  1. Faster download and upload speeds
  2. Smoother streaming of online content
  3. Higher quality of voice and video calls
  4. More reliable mobile connections
  5. Greater number of connected IOT devices
  6. Expansion of advanced technologies like self driving car and smart cities
Much like all Gs in the past there is going to be a increase in speed and with speed the performance is going to go up a notch. Though 5G speeds might vary based on your location, carrier of use and device you operate but in general the speed is said to be much better than the existing 4G networks. Based on some tests conducted in the US and UK, speeds have fluctuated between 550 MBPS to 1GBPS.

One of the revolutionary spheres 5G is highly talked about is it's capacity to change the IOT landscape and provide the bandwidth and infrastructure needed to carry huge amounts of data that IOT platform needs which allows for a smarter and more connected world. Current available networks are a drag on IOT and we need something much faster and more robust to excel with IOT which has wide ranging applications.

With an upsurge in the autonomous vehicles been developed by car manufacturers and technology companies alike,a more robust and faster network connectivity remains really essential. Imagine somebody's life depending on faster network speed. Yes, it is that important. Vehicles need to communicate with other vehicles on road, provide and seek information from other cars and driver. The more faster the communication the better the performance and less the casualty.

One of the areas in which 5G will be revolutionary is the healthcare industry. With the significant decrease in latency in communication, we can expect to see improvements in telemedicine, remote recovery, precision surgery, remote surgery and physical therapy via AR(augmented reality).

At this point in time 5G is available in selected cities in some countries and no prize for guessing , mostly advanced ones like US, UK, Australia and China. Although, this technology is enticing but it will take some time before it is widely available and smoothly operated. Another aspect will be the safety concerns and regulations bundled around 5G with respect to radiation and radio frequency waves. We are awaiting some guidelines on that as well.

Geopolitical contest of 5G:
A rather interesting geopolitical slug-fest has been brewing for some time between China and western countries regarding 5G bidding and vendor selection. More and more western countries have shown reluctance with China's capabilities as far as providing 5G connectivity is concerned with it's homegrown conglomerate Huawei. This reluctance has increased after the latest COVID-19 pandemic rocked the world and China was alleged to have not contained it in time. This growing distrust against China because of it's opaque decision making system and growing use of information asymmetry for geopolitical leverage in the world has adversely affected Huawei. Policymakers across the world are facing a critical choice which weighs in a broad range of economic, political, technical and strategic considerations in choosing their 5G partner. For they believe, it very well be the deciding factor for their survival in this digital revolution with data security.

There are concerns that due to a wedge between China and the west there may be two geographically and politically divided 5G networks which may not be interoperable. Which might lead to lower economies of scale and higher transaction cost as one might leverage one against the other.

Even if the 5G network technology is really appealing and proposes to leap-forth into next level of mobile connectivity with very high speeds and less latency, it will be some time before everybody can be a part of this revolution. Rolling it at a mass scale is still some time away. And considering the issues we are facing on the Geo-political front as far as the roll-out and the vendor partner for 5G is concerned, it is going to cause a not so uniform experience and create batteries and pockets of existence that might have trouble seamlessly integrating. 


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