Did racism lead to George Floyd's death?

The belief of self being superior than others have led to enormous human suffering in the world. This discrimination based on skin color or religion will not determine, who gets to live and who doesn't. This dystopian monkey is not yet off the back.

Racism George Floyd death

"George Floyd", an African-American man died while getting detained by a white Minneapolis police officer "Derek Chauvin". Video footage show Derek Chauvin was leaning on George Floyd's neck with his knee. George Floyd was 46 years old. He was heard pleading, "I cannot breathe" and "Please don't kill me" with the police officer. He was unable to move even when he was asked to get in the car. He was later taken to hospital where he was declared dead.

Floyd was stopped by police over some forgery accusation. This usually is implied for using fake bank notes or writing bad checks. This excessive, inhuman use of force has cost the life of the man who was supposed to be detained for questioning related to a non violent charge.

This incidence first led to widespread protests in Minneapolis, where local citizen took to streets showing their displeasure and angst. Now, protests have spread to many Parts of America including Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Columbia, S.C, New York. People are calling it "George Floyd" protest while some are calling it "I can't breathe" protest. 

The fact that so many people are outraged shows a more deep rooted problem. Something that many people face on a daily basis, as they go to work, board a bus, get into a subway or a restaurant. This is that feeling of looked down at, not considered an equal, laughed at, made fun on their faces etc. And this problem is not something that America only have, it's a global problem. It has been fed into us for centuries, to differentiate people based on their color, religion and ethnicity. Recently China had a major episode where people of color were unnecessarily targeted.

The thought of bundling all of humanity's problems and throwing it at a particular group of people, holding them responsible for all the evil persisting in society and not identifying the inner demon within oneself leads to this decoupling. It is somehow easy to blame others and not take responsibility, this instinct has never let gone of us. If we do not find a way around it, humanity will destroy itself with infighting.

This anger among people isn't a sudden outburst after the death of "George Floyd". This has been building for some time. First the Corona-virus pandemic got into everybody's life and destroyed it. People were hold up into their homes for the major part without having any clear plan of action of what is going to happen with their lives. They lost their jobs, their savings and insurances etc. The political leadership of the whole world looks like a circus these days. The rise of these strongmen leaders who really have no substance and no vision. This realization also did not help people's psyche while they stayed holed up in the lockdown. 

Then the episode of a white lady with a dog, who tried to threaten an Afro-American man "Christian Cooper". The intimidating part about that threatening conversation being that she was so sure about her being racist and getting away with it. This has shocked many people, coming by in the way she was talking in the viral video. That viral video in a sense uncovered the dark underbelly of our society., where we have two faces. On top we are all civilized people but within we have no sense of moral values. The inner demon getting the best out of us when we are encountered with an uncomfortable situation. 

It is very evident from the George Floyd death incidence, that somebody went out of the way to judge a person and throw the rule-book out of the window to deliver justice. The crime committed and the punishment received are way off the law book. The policeman has been taken into custody as well. But the question remain, are we going to forget about this once our lives get back to normal and pretend this never happened or are we going to realize the deeper problem and try to find answers that can help us get rid of this malaise, while we find a way to not transmit this disease to our future generations.


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